Monday 24 June 2013

A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

‘Green consumerism’ is less an (eco) solution to over-consumption than another example of mass-consumerism’s deceptive packaging. We must work hard not to repackage environmental messages into marketed solutions to problems that they have, themselves, caused.

‘Green consumerism’ is a contradiction in terms. There is nothing ‘green’ or environmentally sensitive about a mass-market based philosophy that, by its very nature, encourages over-consumption and waste. We need to rethink our relationships with ‘stuff’ and over-abundance in order to incorporate the notion of ‘enough’ and sufficiency. We have, in the words of Richard Heinberg, reached ‘peak everything’.

The world has passed sustainable levels of population and consumption. We need a revolution in values not just repackaged mass-consumption.




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